Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Admiral Ackbar - It's a Digital Painting!

Last night I started to paint in the colors for my original line sketch, but I didn't really like the way that they were coming out. I was following a tutorial in Imagine FX magazine and I think I was doing it wrong. I'll Post the image at the bottom of the post. 

I decided to do a study in black and white of the characters face, in order to practice my painting skills. I wanted to not have to worry about color, but more on the actual form. I plan on doing a few more of these, just as practice. Here is what I created.

So here is the coloring job I did on the line drawing. I think the problem I had was that I was trying to paint it, when coloring it like a coloring book would have been a better approach. I did a grey under-painting and then painted over the top with a single color. Everything turned out kind of saturated and I decided to leave it.


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