Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Thing's Time Off

This is "The Ever Loving, Blue-Eyed Thing". Benjamin Grimm, aka The Thing, is a member of the Fantastic Four. I have been listening to Fantasticast Podcast a lot lately and I have been really wanting to draw The Thing. He is one of the most fun characters to draw. I often like to look at a single issue and count how many times the stones on his face change around. I would think it would be hard to keep it all coordinated from panel to panel. I drew him smoking a cigar because I seem to remember always seeing him with one. Not sure if they have changed that in the comics.

 This was a relatively quick inking job. I am trying to practice on my inking skills and try out different tools. I started out using my sable brush to ink this, then moved on to using my Kuretake Bimoji pens. Eventually I ended up using Photoshop to add some highlights instead of using my white paint. In all I think the lines came out way thicker than I wanted. The Debate was on in the background while I was inking this. I think I was half paying attention to what I was doing and pressing down too hard. I just stuck with it to see where it would go. I plan on coloring this piece in with some Kyle Webster Watercolor brushes, but my Photoshop is being extremely slow. Enjoy!

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