Friday, December 6, 2013

Birds of Prey - Page 5

Here is my second attempt at loading this up, my power keeps coming on and off. Cross your fingers this works!

I was locked indoors today because of a epic ice over here in Dallas. So I basically spent today working on this new page for my comic book portfolio. There are two pages before this one here on my blog.

The story continues with Black Canary and Huntress undercover at a henchmen meeting. There is a lot of dialogue but mostly the thugs just talking about their henchman rights. The Henchmen are complaining about how the villains they work for are abusive. "The Joker burned my face", "The Penguin poked my eye out", and "I got frostbite on my butt". The last two panels show the communication between the undercover heroines and their dispatcher, Oracle. She's about to give the go ahead to bust up this meeting. Keep a look out for the nest page, it will have a lot more punching!

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