Monday, October 10, 2016

Inktober Day 9 - Andy Dwyer

"The pit, I fell into the pit, you fell into the pit, we all fell in to the pit" - Mouse Rat

In the words of Eddie Vedder "I'm still Alive". I am helping my Fiance move in the process of inktober, but that is not going to stop me! So Sundays word was "broken". I don't know why but I automatically thought of Andy Dwyer (Chris Pratt) from Parks and Recreation with his broken legs. Andy decides to take a short cut and falls into a hole in his backyard. This sets up the fatefully meeting of Anne Perkins, Andy Dwyer, and the Parks and Recreation team. It's a good show, if you haven't seen it, it is well worth the watch. Everyone is great in it but Chris Pratt steals hilarious in almost every scene he is in.

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