Monday, October 24, 2016

Inktober Day 22 - Luke Cage

I finally finished Luke Cage on Netflix this weekend and I really wanted to draw the character! The show is amazing by the way. So this is Luke Cage aka Power Man, he is a Hero for Hire. When I was younger I really heard nothing about him, but eventually he was a playable character in video games and I was like who is this dude that just walks around in a T-Shirt? After working at a bookstore I got my hands on a reprint of Luke Cage's origin story and it was awesome. Since then I have a few "Power Man and Iron Fist" comics. His skin is impenetrable and he has super strength. I don't really want to say much more, just watch the series, it's great!

I needed to get this illustration finished rather quickly, so I stuck to my brush pens. Because I drew the pencils with line weights in mind, inking was rather quick. I liked how in the show his clothes had a tendency to become hole ridden, so I wanted to convey that and ricochet bullets.

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